Nanopad - Numbers and Math symbols

Nanopad uses the following rules for the numbers 0-9:

All the numbers are three rows tall and all are drawn on the right side of the pad, none extend into the first column.

The number 1 is the same as the letter l, but drawn in the third column.

The symbol * is the same as the letter x, only drawn on the right side of the pad.

The $ symbol is the same as the letter s, only drawn at the top of the pad.

The @ symbol is the letter a, extended back to the center segment.

The exact shape of the character drawn is not important, as long as the proper segments are visited in the proper order. For example the Nanopad sequence for the number 2 is 2389. Any of the sequences 236589, 232589, or 23698569 would be recognized as the number 2, as long as the sequence drawn does not match a more complicated character sequence. Nanopad's intelligence comes from a combination of unique lookup algorithms and the exact structure of the lookup table itself.

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